Thursday, July 4, 2013

Keiki Summer Surf Camp

 We have been having so much fun at our Surf Club Maui Keiki Surf Camps in Kihei. This week we had keikis visiting from Colorado, Florida, Germany, Alaska, and of course Maui!! We always have lots of local kids in our surf camps as well.  We are also luck to have many local surf instructors that were born and raised on Maui so they know the beach, surf, and conditions better than anyone! It is so fun to see the keikis progress over during the week. Our camps are focused on surfing, surf etiquette, ocean awareness and having fun!!Our camps are all summer June thru September and we still have spaces available! Call or text to make a booking 1-808-280-9753
 Land lesson
 Kaylee has great surf style!
 Grace paddling out to the surf break
Isabelle, Kaylee, Jackson riding a party wave.
Surfing with "Grace"
 Surf Couch and snack time!
Isabelle and Kaylee - surf sistas

 Will - soul surfer
 Phoebe droppin in

Leo doing the drop knee
Tierney gives a shaka!


Please support our Surfing Schools

Please support our Surfing Schools
Surfing Schools in Kihei are important:
Surf Schools help people enjoy the ocean safely. Surf instruction shows people how to responsibly enjoy the ocean and how to respect the environment. Many locals and visitors want to enjoy the ocean and need guidance and supervision. At Kalama park there are no lifeguards but instead there are Surf instructors watching over people. All Surfing Instructors on Maui are required to be trained in CPR and First Aid, as well as "Ocean protection and Cultural awareness (OPACA)". And these surfing instructors are experienced in the local conditions and have extensive Surfing knowledge and know about the Ocean conditions.
Supervision and Safety:
Surf instructors act as guides, and "on-call lifeguards" and they provide a better level of safety for all ocean users in their location. Surfing schools are also an important link between the local surf industry and the local beaches. Many surf shops rent and sell surfing equipment (so does Costco, Kmart, Walmart etc.), and currently customers buying surf equipment can then have access to professional surfing instruction to show them how to use it responsibly. But what if there was no instruction available? Without access to proper instruction many people would buy equipment and use it at the local beaches without any instruction at all. This potentially creates a hazard to the unsupervised users and to the other beach users as well. This is already happening at an increasing rate and this problem will continue to grow. Access to proper Surfing instruction is one solution to this growing problem.
Teaching responsibility:
Surfing Instruction shows people how be safe, how to protect themselves, and how to handle their equipment responsibly, so that it does not become a hazard to other beach users as well. Surfing Instruction helps to protect the environment by showing people where to surf and how to surf and how to appreciate the ocean resources. Surfing instructors on Maui are trained in Ocean Protection and Cultural Awareness (OPACA).
Surfing instruction has become a vital link that holds the local surf industry together.
The recreational industry too also relies on surf school to provide responsible instruction  for people wanting to enjoy surfing sports. Surfing is a healthy lifestyle that can be enjoyed by local children, families and visitors alike. Surfing does not pollute and it is environmentally friendly, sustainable, and renewable.
Surf schools also support the local industry and economy:
Surfing schools provide jobs and help the local economy. Surfing instructors and all of the ancillary staff, as well as the vendors and suppliers, all benefit from their economic contribution. Surfing schools also provide many off site facilities such as: showers, change rooms, customer parking,  and storage outside of the public areas.
Surfing is a Hawaiian Sport, and is a great fit for the location, with a very minimal negative impact.
History of Surfing Instruction:
Surfing Instruction has a long history in Hawaii, notably including "Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku" himself as one of the most iconic and legendary surfing instructors of all time.
Please Support Surfing Instruction:
Please support Surfing Schools in Kihei, and allow them to continue to provide Surfing Instruction at Kalama Beach Park in the mornings.

Surf Club Maui